Play Trojan Online

Trojan technical data

Name Trojan
System NES
Year 1987
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Genre Fighting

Trojan is a classic side-scrolling action game developed by Capcom and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986. The game is set in ancient Greece and follows the story of a lone warrior named Ajax who must battle his way through hordes of enemies in order to save the princess Helen from the evil Trojan Horse.

The player takes control of Ajax, who starts off with a sword and shield as his only weapons. As he progresses through the levels, he can collect various power-ups such as bombs and fireballs which can be used to defeat enemies. He also has access to special moves such as dashing, double jumping, and wall climbing which are necessary to navigate certain areas of each level.

The levels in Trojan range from forests, castles, caves, underwater areas and even Hades itself! Along the way there are numerous boss battles that require quick thinking and precise timing in order to defeat them. The enemies come in all shapes and sizes ranging from small bugs to giant monsters like Cyclops or Medusa.

Another unique feature of Trojan is its two-player mode where players take turns playing as both Ajax and his female companion Athena. This adds an interesting twist on the traditional side-scrolling gameplay as it requires cooperation between players in order to progress through each level.

Overall, Trojan is an enjoyable action game with simple yet challenging gameplay that will keep you coming back for more. Its classic 8-bit graphics still hold up today making it a great choice for retro gamers looking for a nostalgic experience. With its varied levels, intense boss fights, and two-player mode; Trojan is sure to provide hours of fun for anyone looking for a good time!

NES Fighting games