Play Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team Online

Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team technical data

Name Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team
System NES
Year 1993
Developer Rare, Ltd.
Genre Fighting

Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team is a 1993 crossover beat-em-up video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Developed by Rare and published by Tradewest, the game was released to capitalize on the success of both franchises.

It was later ported to the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis and Super NES in 1994.

The game follows two groups of heroes: the Battletoads, a trio of anthropomorphic toads, and the Lee Brothers, twin martial artists Billy and Jimmy Lee from the Double Dragon series.

The main antagonist is an intergalactic criminal mastermind named The Shadow Boss, who has kidnapped Billy and Jimmy's girlfriend Marian.

In order to rescue her, they must team up with the Battletoads and battle their way through a variety of levels filled with enemies.

The gameplay consists of side-scrolling levels where players can select one of six characters available: three Battletoads (Rash, Zitz, and Pimple) or three Lees (Billy, Jimmy, or Marian).

Each character has their own unique moveset which can be used to defeat enemies such as robots, cyborgs, mutant rats and other creatures.

The levels are divided into four worlds: Earthworld (a post-apocalyptic cityscape), Ragnarok's World (an underground cavern), Amazonia (a jungle environment) and Outer Space (the final confrontation against Shadow Boss).

The Ultimate Team mode allows two players to play cooperatively as any combination of characters at any time during gameplay.

This allows for more strategic approaches when tackling levels as different combinations can yield different results depending on how they are used together.

Players can also use power-ups such as health potions or extra lives that can be found in various locations throughout each level.

Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team is considered one of the best beat-em-up games ever created for its time due to its unique combination of characters from two successful franchises as well as its innovative cooperative mode which allowed for more strategic approaches when taking on opponents.

While it may not have been as popular as some other titles released during this era such as Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat II, it still stands out among fans due to its unique style and mechanics that make it an enjoyable experience even today.

NES Fighting games