Play Batman Returns Online

Batman Returns technical data

Name Batman Returns
System NES
Year 1993
Developer Konami
Genre Fighting

Batman Returns is a side-scrolling action game developed and published by Konami for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. It is based on the film of the same name, which was released earlier that year. The game follows Batman as he fights off enemies from the film, such as the Red Triangle Circus Gang, Catwoman and Penguin.

The game consists of seven levels in total. In each level, Batman must make his way through various obstacles while fighting off enemies that have been placed there to stop him. The player can use Batman’s gadgets to help him in his mission, such as grappling hooks and batarangs. As well as this, Batman can pick up power-ups throughout the levels which give him additional abilities such as invincibility or extra health points.

At the end of each level, Batman faces off against a boss character from the movie. These bosses range from Catwoman to an enormous mechanical penguin operated by Oswald Cobblepot himself. Each boss requires different strategies to defeat them and they all offer unique challenges for players to overcome before progressing further into the game.

The graphics in Batman Returns are quite basic but still effective enough to create a satisfying experience for players. The music is also very good and captures the atmosphere of Gotham City perfectly with its dark and brooding tones. It helps to set the mood of each level perfectly and adds to the overall atmosphere of the game greatly.

Overall, Batman Returns is an enjoyable action game that fans of both Batman and Konami games will appreciate equally. Despite its dated visuals, it still offers plenty of challenge for those who are up for it and provides hours of entertainment in doing so. With varied boss battles mixed into its simple yet enjoyable gameplay mechanics, it’s easy to see why this classic NES title has stood strong over time as one of Konami’s best titles available on Nintendo’s 8-bit console library

NES Fighting games