Play Gumshoe Online

Gumshoe technical data

Name Gumshoe
System NES
Year 1986
Developer Nintendo
Genre Action

Gumshoe is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game released in 1986 by Nintendo. The player takes the role of a detective named Gumshoe who must solve various mysteries and crimes using his investigative skills. The main objective of the game is to investigate crime scenes, interrogate suspects, and collect evidence to help solve the cases. Players must also avoid being caught by police officers while trying to complete their mission.

The game starts with Gumshoe arriving at a crime scene where he needs to collect evidence, which can be done by examining objects and talking to witnesses. After collecting enough evidence, players must interrogate suspects in order to find out more information about the case. Once all of the evidence has been collected, players are then able to bring it back to headquarters where they can analyze it and use it to form theories on how the crime was committed and who might have done it.

Gumshoe features multiple cases for players to solve, each with its own unique set of clues and suspects that must be investigated in order to progress further in the game. As Gumshoe progresses through each case, he must use his deductive reasoning skills as well as his knowledge of criminal law in order to correctly identify the culprit behind each mystery.

The game also features various mini-games that require quick reflexes such as chasing down fleeing suspects or avoiding traps set by criminals in order for Gumshoe to complete his mission successfully. If successful, players are rewarded with money that can be used buy items from shops such as weapons or special items that can help throughout the course of gameplay. Additionally, there are several different endings depending on how well players do during their investigations which adds even more replayability value for fans of this NES classic title.

Overall, Gumshoe is an exciting and engaging NES title that requires players’ full attention if they want any chance at catching their suspect and solving each case successfully. With its realistic graphics and sound effects along with its challenging puzzles and mini-games, this detective adventure will keep gamers busy for hours trying to uncover every mystery presented before them!

NES Action games