Play Megaman V Online

Megaman V technical data

Name Megaman V
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Genre Action

Mega Man V is an action platformer game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

It was released on October 5, 1994 in North America, and November 18, 1994 in Japan.

Mega Man V is the fifth installment in the classic Mega Man series and it follows a similar formula to the previous games.

Players take control of the titular character, Mega Man, as he traverses through eight robot-filled stages.

Along the way, he must battle various enemies and bosses while collecting power-ups to help him on his journey.

The story of Mega Man V follows a similar premise as other entries in the franchise.


Wily has returned with an army of powerful robots that are planning to take over the world.

After learning of this threat, Mega Man is sent out to stop them by traveling through eight stages and defeating each one's respective boss.

However, this time around there is a twist; Dr.

Wily has enlisted the help of four mysterious aliens known as Dark Moon Syndicate who have given him access to more advanced technology than ever before.

Gameplay consists primarily of platforming sections where players must jump across platforms while shooting enemies with their arm cannon or using special weapons acquired from defeated bosses.

As with most games in the series, there are also a few puzzle elements such as switches that need to be activated or objects that need to be moved around in order to progress further into a stage.

Additionally, players can use items such as energy tanks to replenish their health when needed or capsules which contain helpful power-ups like extra lives or energy refills.

One unique feature found in Mega Man V is its two-player mode which allows two players to simultaneously play through any of the game's stages together.

While playing cooperatively, both players will have their own individual health bar and can work together to defeat enemies more quickly or assist each other if one player runs out of life energy during a stage.

Mega Man V features some new gameplay mechanics not found in earlier entries in the series including "Flame Attacks" which allow players to deal damage even when standing still and "Spark Shots" which allow them to shoot multiple times at once without having to reload their weapon every time they fire off a shot .

Additionally, Mega Man now has access to a variety of special weapons called "V-Weapons" which can only be used after obtaining them from specific bosses throughout the game's levels .

These weapons add another layer of strategy since they are often required for certain objectives or situations within levels .

Overall, Mega Man V is an enjoyable entry in the classic series that builds upon many of its predecessors' successes while introducing some new ideas along with it .

The addition of two-player co-op makes for some fun sessions with friends while also providing an extra challenge for those looking for something different than what was offered previously .

The variety of weapons available also helps keep things fresh by encouraging experimentation and giving players more options when taking down foes .

Whether you're looking for an old school challenge or just want something different than what you've already played , make sure you give Mega Man V a try!

NES Action games