Play Megaman Online

Megaman technical data

Name Megaman
System NES
Year 1987
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Genre Action

Megaman is an iconic video game franchise from the 1980s that has been a staple of the gaming industry for decades. The series, created by Capcom, has become renowned for its challenging platforming levels and unique character designs. The first game in the series, Megaman, was released in 1987 on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It quickly became one of the most popular titles on the console and spawned a long-running franchise of sequels and spin-offs.

The original Megaman follows the story of a robotic boy named Megaman who fights against Dr. Wily and his robotic minions in order to save humanity from destruction. Players take control of Megaman as he traverses eight robot masters’ stages, each with their own unique theme and level design. At the end of each stage, players must battle one of Dr. Wily’s robot masters before moving onto the next stage. Once all eight robot masters are defeated, players must then face off against Dr. Wily himself in an epic final showdown.

The gameplay of Megaman is based around classic platforming mechanics such as jumping across platforms and shooting enemies with Megaman’s arm cannon. In addition to this classic gameplay style, Megaman also features some interesting mechanics such as sliding along walls and ceilings as well as being able to copy enemy weapons after defeating them. This allowed for some creative uses of weaponry throughout levels which provided an extra layer of challenge to platforming sections.

Players were also able to customize their experience by choosing which order they would tackle levels in, allowing for different strategies depending on which robot master was chosen first or last. This gave players more control over how they approached specific stages and added additional replay value to the game overall.

The graphics featured within Megaman are simple but colorful sprites that capture the spirit of classic 8-bit era games perfectly. Each character design is instantly recognizable due to their distinct silhouettes and bright colors making them stand out from other characters at the time. Every level also features its own unique background design filled with various objects that help bring it alive while still staying true to 8-bit visuals standards set by other games at the time like Super Mario Bros..

Overall, Megaman is a timeless classic that stands out amongst its contemporaries due to its innovative gameplay mechanics and memorable characters designs that have stood the test of time since its release in 1987 on NES systems worldwide . Its challenging yet rewarding platforming sections paired with great visuals have made it one of Capcom’s most beloved franchises over 30 years later with new entries being released every few years since then for multiple consoles including NES Classic Editions available now for modern gamers looking to experience this classic title once again or for newcomers wanting to see what all the fuss about this legendary franchise is about

NES Action games