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Immortal, The technical data

Name Immortal, The
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Sandcastle
Genre Action

Immortal, The is a side-scrolling action-adventure game developed and published by Electronic Arts for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was released in North America in November 1990. The game follows an unnamed protagonist as he embarks on a quest to save his beloved princess from the forces of evil.

The player takes control of the protagonist, who is equipped with armor and a sword. He must explore various dungeons and defeat enemies using his weapons and special magical abilities. As the player progresses through the game, they will find new weapons and items that will help them in their journey. In addition, there are many puzzles which must be solved in order to progress further into the game.

The main objective of Immortal, The is to reach the end of each level while collecting items such as keys, potions and gems that can be used to purchase upgrades for the character’s equipment or restore health points. Along the way, there are various bosses that must be defeated in order to move onto the next level. These bosses possess unique powers and require different strategies to defeat them. Upon defeating these bosses, they will drop items which can be used to enhance your character’s abilities or gain access to new areas of the game world.

The graphics of Immortal, The are bright and colorful with detailed backgrounds featuring mountains, forests and castles that add atmosphere to each level. The soundtrack also contributes greatly to this atmosphere with its upbeat tunes that maintain an exciting pace throughout gameplay. Additionally, there is a password system which allows players to save their progress at any point during gameplay so they can continue from where they left off if necessary.

Overall, Immortal, The is an enjoyable action-adventure experience for NES fans who enjoy challenging puzzles and intense boss fights set within vibrant environments filled with secrets waiting to be discovered. With its engaging gameplay mechanics and impressive graphics coupled with its memorable soundtrack make it a classic title worthy of revisiting today!

NES Action games