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Pac-In-Time technical data

Name Pac-In-Time
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Atreid Concept
Genre Action

Pac-In-Time is a side scrolling platformer game released for Sega Game Gear in 1995. The game follows the adventures of Pac-Man, the iconic yellow dot eating arcade character from Namco. The goal of the game is to help Pac-Man save his family and friends who have been trapped in time bubbles by the antagonist, Toc-Man.

The game consists of five levels, each with its own unique design and challenges. In each level, Pac-Man must traverse through treacherous terrain while avoiding enemies and collecting items such as power pellets, fruit, and coins. Along the way, he will also encounter mini bosses which need to be defeated in order to progress further in the level.

In addition to traditional platforming elements such as running and jumping, Pac-Man can also use his signature move – eating dots – to defeat enemies or open portals that lead to bonus stages where additional power ups can be collected. Power ups grant Pac-Man extra lives or increase his speed and attack power.

The controls are simple, making it easy for anyone to pick up and play the game. The graphics are colorful and vibrant, creating an immersive experience that captures the classic feel of the original arcade version of Pac-Man while providing a modern twist on it with updated visuals.

Overall, Pac-In-Time is a great choice for gamers looking for a classic gaming experience with some modern enhancements. It’s a fun and challenging game that will keep you coming back for more!

Game Gear Action games