Play Urban Strike Online

Urban Strike technical data

Name Urban Strike
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Black Pearl Software
Genre Shooter

Urban Strike is a side-scrolling action game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1994. Developed by Electronic Arts and published by Accolade, it is part of the Strike series of games that began with Jungle Strike and Desert Strike. The game follows the story of Major John "Hawk" Masterson as he attempts to stop a terrorist organization known as The Disciples of Doom from launching their Doomsday Weapon.

The gameplay in Urban Strike is largely similar to that of its predecessors. Players control Major Masterson in his helicopter and must complete various missions such as rescuing hostages, destroying enemy bases and structures, and collecting items. In addition, players must also avoid enemy fire while maneuvering through tight areas in order to reach their objectives. Along the way, they can pick up power-ups such as health packs, extra ammunition or rockets, and money which can be used to purchase upgrades for their chopper or weapons.

The graphics in Urban Strike are colorful and detailed. The backgrounds are well designed with many buildings, trees, mountains, and other objects that create a realistic environment. The sprites are nicely animated with plenty of small details that give them life and make them stand out from the scenery. The sound effects are also quite good with plenty of explosions, gunshots, engine noises, and other sound effects that help to create an immersive gaming experience.

In terms of difficulty level Urban Strike offers something for everyone; from casual gamers who just want to have some fun flying around to more experienced players who may want to tackle the more challenging missions later on in the game. With its variety of levels and objectives there’s plenty here for both types of player to enjoy.

Overall Urban Strike is an enjoyable action game which offers plenty of challenge while still being accessible enough for newcomers to jump right into it without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated at any point during their playthroughs. It’s an excellent choice for anyone looking for a classic SNES title featuring exciting gameplay coupled with great visuals and audio effects which makes it a great addition to any retro gaming collection

Super Nintendo Shooter games