Play Total Carnage Online

Total Carnage technical data

Name Total Carnage
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Black Pearl Software
Genre Shooter

Total Carnage is a classic top-down run and gun shooter game developed by Midway Games and released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the world has been taken over by an evil tyrant named General Akhboob. It is up to two brave heroes, Colonel John R. Blade and Major Mike “Mauler” Mclary, to take on the General and his army of minions and save the world from destruction.

Players must guide their characters through various levels filled with enemies, obstacles, and hazards while collecting power ups such as health packs, extra lives, ammo, grenades, and rocket launchers. The objective of the game is to reach the end of each level while destroying all enemies in sight. Players can choose between single-player or cooperative mode, allowing them to team up with a friend or family member for some intense co-op action.

The visuals of Total Carnage are highly detailed and feature a variety of environments including deserts, jungles, snowfields, factories, cities, and more. The enemies come in all shapes and sizes from small bugs to giant robots with powerful weapons such as laser guns and flame throwers. There are also multiple boss battles throughout the game that require quick reflexes and strategy in order to defeat them.

The sound effects are also great with explosions, gunfire, enemy taunts/shouts, soundtracks that fit perfectly with each level’s environment etc., all adding to the overall atmosphere of Total Carnage. In addition to its great visuals and audio design it also has some impressive gameplay mechanics such as destructible environments which allow players to blast through walls or blow up crates for extra points or power ups.

Overall Total Carnage is an excellent run n gun shooter that still stands out today due to its exciting gameplay mechanics combined with its vibrant graphics and cool sound effects making it one of the best games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System at the time of its release back in 1994

Super Nintendo Shooter games