Play Operation Thunderbolt Online

Operation Thunderbolt technical data

Name Operation Thunderbolt
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Taito Corporation
Genre Shooter

Operation Thunderbolt is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) game released in 1992 by Taito Corporation. The game is a run-and-gun shooter set in a fictional Middle Eastern country, with the player taking on the role of commando leader Jack Wilkins, who must lead an elite special forces team on a mission to rescue hostages from terrorist forces.

The game consists of nine levels and features side-scrolling action from an overhead perspective. Each level requires the player to traverse through enemy territory while avoiding or destroying enemies and obstacles to reach the end goal. The objective in each level is to rescue all hostages and escape before time runs out. To help complete these objectives, players have access to various weapons, such as machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers. Additionally, power ups can be found throughout levels that provide extra health or ammunition.

The game also features boss battles at the end of each level where players must face off against powerful foes such as tanks and helicopters before being able to progress further. One unique feature of Operation Thunderbolt is its two-player mode which allows for cooperative play between two players. This mode requires both players to work together to complete objectives and defeat enemies more effectively than when playing alone.

Overall, Operation Thunderbolt offers an enjoyable experience for fans of classic run-and-gun shooters with its challenging levels and intense boss battles. Despite its age, it still holds up well today thanks to its engaging gameplay and variety of weapons that give players plenty of ways to tackle different scenarios. With its captivating storyline, intense action sequences, and gripping soundtrack, Operation Thunderbolt remains one of the best run-and-gun games available on the SNES platform.

Super Nintendo Shooter games