Play Spawn Online

Spawn technical data

Name Spawn
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Ukiyotei Company, Ltd.
Genre Fighting

Spawn is a side-scrolling action game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1995. Developed by Capcom and based on the popular comic book series of the same name, Spawn was one of the first titles to be released for the SNES that featured a licensed property. The game follows Al Simmons, otherwise known as Spawn, who has been resurrected from his grave by an evil entity known as Malebolgia. Now Spawn must battle his way through nine levels filled with enemies, traps and puzzles in order to confront and defeat Malebolgia.

The gameplay in Spawn is similar to other side-scrollers of its time, such as Super Mario World or Mega Man X. Players take control of Spawn and must navigate through each level while defeating enemies and collecting power-ups. Combat is handled by two weapons; a standard sword which can be used to attack enemies up close, or a crossbow which can be used to shoot projectiles from a distance. Additionally, Spawn can also execute special moves such as double jumps and air dashes which allow him to traverse obstacles more easily. Throughout each level are various hidden items which can be collected for bonus points at the end of each stage.

Spawn also features several boss battles throughout the game, all of which require different strategies in order to defeat them. In addition to these bosses there are also mini-bosses scattered throughout each stage that require players to use their combat skills in order to progress further into the game. The final boss battle takes place against Malebolgia himself and requires quick reflexes and clever strategies in order to succeed.

Overall Spawn is an enjoyable side-scroller with challenging levels, tough bosses and plenty of secrets for players to uncover along the way. Its combination of action platforming with RPG elements make it stand out from other games released for the SNES at the time, making it an excellent title for fans of both genres alike.

Super Nintendo Fighting games