Play Killer Instinct Online

Killer Instinct technical data

Name Killer Instinct
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Rare, Ltd.
Genre Fighting

Killer Instinct is a fighting video game series created by Rare and published by Midway, Nintendo and Microsoft Studios. The series has been released on multiple platforms including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

The first installment of the series was released in 1994 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) console. It was developed by Rare and published by Midway Games. The game featured eight characters, each with their own unique moves and combos. Players could choose from a variety of game modes including single-player, versus mode or tournament mode. In addition to traditional fighting game mechanics, Killer Instinct also featured two-on-two team battles and ultimate combo attacks that could be performed when both players had enough energy stored in their respective meters.

The plot of Killer Instinct revolves around an evil corporation known as Ultratech who are attempting to take over the world using a powerful new fighting tournament known as Killer Instinct. At the start of the tournament, Ultratech kidnaps eight people from around the world and forces them into competing in order to win their freedom. The player takes control of one of these competitors and must battle through all seven opponents before facing off against Ultratech’s champion – Gargos – in a final showdown.

Gameplay in Killer Instinct consists of two players competing against each other using their chosen character’s special moves, combos and finishing moves in an attempt to defeat their opponent’s health bar before it reaches zero. Special moves can be performed when certain buttons are pressed in combination with directional inputs from either joystick or d-pad on the controller. Combos are performed when multiple special moves are linked together in a specific sequence during a fight for maximum damage output against an opponent’s health bar. Finishing moves can be performed when both players have enough energy stored within their respective meters which can be used to execute powerful cinematic attacks that will end the round instantly if successful.

Killer Instinct featured several innovative features at its time such as 3D rendered backgrounds, voice samples taken from real actors, pre-rendered cutscenes between rounds and an announcer who would provide commentary during fights. The visuals were considered impressive for its time, especially compared to other fighting games on consoles such as Street Fighter II Turbo or Mortal Kombat II which were limited to 2D sprites for characters and backgrounds due to hardware limitations at the time.

Killer Instinct proved to be popular among fans due to its fast paced gameplay combined with its unique approach towards fighting games which has led it to become one of the most successful franchises within this genre since its release more than 25 years ago.

Super Nintendo Fighting games