Play Rollergames Online

Rollergames technical data

Name Rollergames
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Ultrasoft
Genre Action

Rollergames is a classic video game released in 1990 by Konami for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was based on the popular television show of the same name. The game has a unique blend of action, racing and puzzle-solving elements that make it quite enjoyable to play.

In Rollergames, you take control of a team of four roller skaters who compete against other teams in various events. These events include races, figure skating competitions, and even battles with other teams. In each event, you must earn points by performing stunts or defeating opponents. You can also earn extra points by collecting power-ups scattered across the levels.

The controls are simple and easy to learn. You use the d-pad to move your character around the rink while using buttons A and B to perform stunts or jump over obstacles. Once you reach a certain point total, you will qualify for the final battle where you must defeat all of your opponents to win the game.

The graphics in Rollergames are colorful and detailed, capturing the feel of an old school arcade game perfectly. The music is upbeat and catchy, helping to set the mood for each level. The sound effects are also great, adding a touch of realism to each event. Overall, Rollergames has a great presentation that helps make it stand out from other NES games at the time.

One thing that makes Rollergames unique is its cooperative multiplayer mode which allows up to four players to compete together at once. This adds an extra layer of strategy as players must work together in order to succeed in each event while also competing against one another for high scores and bragging rights! It’s a great way to have fun with friends and family while getting some serious competition going too!

Overall, Rollergames is an excellent NES title that still stands up today due its solid gameplay mechanics and engaging multiplayer mode. While it may not be as well known as some other NES classics like Super Mario Bros., it’s still worth checking out if you’re looking for something different from what’s usually available on modern consoles today!

NES Action games