Play Pac-Man Online

Pac-Man technical data

Name Pac-Man
System NES
Year 1993
Developer Namco Limited
Genre Action

Pac-Man is a classic arcade game that was released by Namco in 1980. It has become an iconic title, having spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs over the years. The game was later ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1988 and remains one of the most popular titles on the system.

The objective of Pac-Man is to travel around a maze eating dots while avoiding four ghosts who are out to catch him. As the player eats more dots, they will increase their score and move up levels. Power pellets can also be eaten which temporarily turn the ghosts blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points. Eating all of the dots will complete a level, but it’s possible to lose lives if a ghost catches Pac-Man or he touches one of them while they are still blue.

Pac-Man on NES features several gameplay modes including single player and two-player modes. In single player mode, players can choose from three difficulty levels and compete against computer controlled ghosts or play alone without any opposition. Two player mode allows two players to compete against each other using two different colored Pac-Mans. This mode can be played either cooperatively or competitively where players try to get more points than each other by eating more dots and power pellets than their opponent.

The visuals of Pac-Man on NES are quite simple but still hold up well today thanks to its bright colors and catchy music tracks. The characters have a charming pixelated look that adds a lot of character to the game’s atmosphere, making it an enjoyable experience even after all these years.

Overall, Pac-Man on NES is an excellent port of a classic arcade title that holds up very well even today thanks to its simple but effective visuals and fun gameplay mechanics. Its timeless appeal makes this version of Pac-Man one that should not be missed by any fan of classic gaming or those just looking for some old school fun!

NES Action games