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Bishoujo Control technical data

Name Bishoujo Control
System NES
Year 1990
Developer HARD
Genre Action

Bishoujo Control is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game that was released in Japan in 1989. It is a side-scrolling platformer that features an all-female cast of characters. The objective of the game is to guide one of the five female protagonists through various levels and obstacles while dodging enemies and collecting items. Each character has unique abilities and attributes, including special attacks.

The story follows the five young girls who are chosen to be part of an elite force known as Bishoujo Control, tasked with using their powers to protect humanity from evil forces. Each girl must master her own special abilities and use them to complete missions given by their leader, Lady Tsukiyomi. Along the way they will encounter many different types of enemies, including robots, monsters, and magical creatures.

The game consists of six stages which take place in different settings such as a forest, mountain range, cityscape, and more. At the end of each stage there is a boss battle where the player must defeat a powerful enemy before progressing further into the game. The player can collect power-ups throughout each stage which can help them progress faster or deal more damage to enemies.

In addition to being able to control one of five female protagonists, players also have access to two support characters that can be used during certain stages or boss battles for additional help: Kojiroh and Yukiya. These characters have their own unique attacks and abilities which can help make some areas easier to traverse or provide extra firepower against tough opponents.

Overall Bishoujo Control is an enjoyable NES title that offers plenty of replay value due to its varied levels and bosses as well as its unique ability system for each character. Its charming art style also adds to its appeal making it stand out from other games in its genre at the time. If you’re looking for a classic NES game with plenty of challenge then Bishoujo Control might be just what you’re looking for!

NES Action games