Play Battle Chess Online

Battle Chess technical data

Name Battle Chess
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Beam Software
Genre Action

Battle Chess is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game released in 1988. Developed by Interplay Productions, it is a chess-based video game that combines the traditional rules of chess with action elements, such as animated characters and sound effects. The game is set in a medieval fantasy world and features eight different types of pieces, each represented by an animated character that moves around the board and battles one another when they are captured. The goal of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king.

At the start of each game, players can choose from two levels of difficulty – beginner or expert – as well as several different play styles. In addition to traditional chess rules, Battle Chess includes special moves such as castling and en passant capture. Players can also customize their own games by selecting from a variety of settings including board size, piece type, and whether or not to allow certain special moves.

The visuals in Battle Chess are colorful and detailed; each piece has its own unique design which adds to the atmosphere of the game. As pieces move around the board they make realistic sound effects such as clanking armor or swords clashing against shields. When two pieces come into contact with one another they will fight in an animated battle scene which can be viewed from various camera angles. The outcome of these battles depends on factors such as strength and agility; if one piece defeats another then it will take its place on the board while the defeated piece disappears in a puff of smoke.

In addition to single-player mode, Battle Chess also allows for two players to compete against one another using either a split screen or alternating turns on the same screen. This makes it easy for friends and family members to enjoy playing together without having to purchase additional controllers or accessories.

Battle Chess is an entertaining twist on traditional chess that provides hours of fun for players of all ages and skill levels. With its creative visuals, sound effects, and challenging gameplay it remains an enjoyable classic even after more than 30 years since its release.

NES Action games