Play Thunder & Lightning Online

Thunder & Lightning technical data

Name Thunder & Lightning
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Visco Corporation
Genre Action

Thunder and Lightning is an action-adventure video game developed by Natsume for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

The game was released in Japan in 1990 and North America in 1991.

The player controls a young boy named Thunder, who is on a mission to save his village from an evil wizard known as Dark Lord.

With the help of Lightning, his magical friend, Thunder must explore various dungeons and battle monsters to retrieve three magical orbs that will unlock the wizard’s castle.

Along the way, Thunder can find items that will help him on his quest such as health-restoring potions and weapons like swords, bows and arrows, and spells.

He can also collect coins which can be used to purchase items from shops scattered throughout the game world.

The gameplay of Thunder and Lightning consists of navigating through dungeons filled with enemies that must be defeated before progressing further.

Each dungeon is filled with puzzles that must be solved in order to progress further into the dungeon or find hidden items such as keys to open locked doors.

Boss battles are also present at the end of each dungeon with larger enemies that require more strategy than regular enemies.

Defeating these bosses rewards players with experience points which can then be used to level up Thunder's stats such as health, attack power, magic power, etc.

The graphics for Thunder and Lightning are quite basic but they do get the job done in terms of conveying information about what is happening on screen during gameplay.

The music for this game is quite good too with some catchy tunes playing during exploration and intense music playing during boss battles which really helps ramp up the tension and excitement of those moments in the game.

Overall, Thunder & Lightning is a classic NES action-adventure game that still holds up today due to its simple yet engaging gameplay mechanics, great soundtrack and fun characters.

It may not have aged as well graphically compared to modern games but if you're looking for a classic NES adventure then it's definitely worth checking out!

NES Action games