Play Challenger Online

Challenger technical data

Name Challenger
System NES
Year 1985
Developer Hudson Soft
Genre Action

Challenger is a puzzle platformer that puts players in control of a robot named Tetsuo who must make his way through seven different levels, each with their own unique enemies and obstacles.

The goal is to make it to the end while collecting all of the missing pieces so that he can repair his broken ship and return home.

Along the way, Tetsuo will come across various power-ups which will help him overcome obstacles such as walls or enemies.

He also has access to an array of weaponry which can be used against enemies or to break through walls.

The game features seven stages, each with its own unique set of challenges.

The first stage is relatively easy and introduces players to the basic mechanics of the game, while later stages become increasingly difficult as new enemies are introduced and more powerful weapons become available.

At certain points during the game, Tetsuo will need to use his grappling hook or jetpack to reach higher platforms or clear long jumps.

In addition to its unique gameplay mechanics, Challenger also featured some impressive visuals for its time.

The graphics were quite detailed for an 8-bit title, featuring bright colors and smooth animations that made it stand out from other NES titles at the time.

The music was also quite memorable, with catchy tunes that added an extra layer of enjoyment to this classic title.

Overall, Challenger is an excellent title that still holds up today due to its tight controls and challenging puzzles.

It's a great example of how developers were able to create truly innovative experiences on the NES despite its limited hardware capabilities at the time.

If you're looking for a classic puzzle platformer experience on your NES then look no further than Challenger – it's sure to provide hours of entertainment!

NES Action games