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Balloon Fight technical data

Name Balloon Fight
System NES
Year 1986
Developer Nintendo
Genre Action

Balloon Fight is an action game developed and published by Nintendo for the NES in 1984. It was one of the first games released for the console and is considered a classic. The goal of the game is to control a character who must navigate an environment filled with enemies while trying to collect balloons. The player’s character can move left and right, jump, and shoot at enemies with a balloon gun. The player must also avoid obstacles such as spikes and pits.

In Balloon Fight, the player controls a small balloon fighter who wears a blue jumpsuit and has two yellow balloons attached to his back. He is tasked with navigating through various levels filled with enemies including birds, fish, and turtles. As he moves through each level, he must collect balloons which will increase his score if he successfully collects them all before time runs out. While trying to collect these balloons, the player must also watch out for enemies which will try to pop his balloons by shooting them or touching them. If all of the player’s balloons are popped then he will lose a life and start over from the beginning of the level.

The levels in Balloon Fight become increasingly difficult as they progress; some levels contain moving platforms while others have water that can be used to maneuver around obstacles or enemies. There are also bonus stages where players can earn extra points by popping multiple balloons within a certain time limit. Once all of the levels are completed, players are rewarded with a bonus stage where they must face off against an enemy boss known as “The Great Puffer” who tries to pop all of their balloons using his own set of weapons. After defeating this boss, players win their final score which is based on how many lives they had remaining when they completed it as well as how many points were earned throughout the game.

Balloon Fight is one of Nintendo’s earliest releases for the NES system and has since become one of its most beloved games ever released for any platform. Its simple yet addictive gameplay has kept gamers coming back for more since its initial release in 1984 and continues to be enjoyed by fans today thanks to various re-releases on modern consoles such as Virtual Console on Wii U or Nintendo Switch Online service on Switch. For those looking for some classic gaming fun, Balloon Fight provides plenty of entertainment that can be enjoyed alone or with friends!

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NES Action games