Play Battletoads in Ragnarok's World Online

Battletoads in Ragnarok's World technical data

Name Battletoads in Ragnarok's World
System Game Boy
Year 1993
Developer Rare, Ltd.
Genre Fighting

Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World is an action-packed side-scrolling platform game for the Nintendo Game Boy released in 1993. Developed by Rare and published by Tradewest, Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World was a sequel to the original Battletoads game that had been released two years earlier on the NES.

The game follows the story of two toad brothers, Zitz and Rash, as they battle their way through the kingdom of Ragnarok’s World in order to rescue their friend Pimple from the evil Dark Queen and her minions. The game consists of nine levels set across various environments, including jungles, volcanoes, ice caverns and underground lairs. Each level features a unique boss battle at the end which must be defeated in order to progress further in the game.

In terms of gameplay, Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World offered a range of new features compared to its predecessor. Players could now choose between three difficulty levels; Easy, Normal and Hard. Additionally, there were also new powerups available such as invincibility stars which gave players temporary invulnerability against enemy attacks. These powerups could be collected throughout each level by destroying certain objects or enemies.

Players had access to a range of moves such as punching, kicking and sliding which can be used to defeat enemies or break through obstacles blocking their path. They also have access to special weapons such as rocket boots which can be used to reach higher platforms or launch themselves across large gaps. These weapons could be upgraded over time by collecting special items scattered throughout each level.

In addition to its improved graphics compared with its predecessor, Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World also featured a number of mini games which could be accessed by completing certain tasks within each level; these included activities like fighting off alien attackers or navigating mazes filled with traps and enemies. All these elements combined together made Battletoads an enjoyable experience for gamers on the Game Boy system at the time of its release..

Overall Battletoads in Ragnaroks world was an enjoyable title for fans of side scrolling platformers on the Game Boy system back in 1993 when it was first released.. It offered an engaging storyline with plenty of action packed gameplay elements that kept players hooked until they completed all nine levels and rescued Pimple from The Dark Queen’s clutches.. There are few other titles on this system that can match up with this classic title so if you get a chance give it a try!

Game Boy Fighting games