Play Aretha II Online

Aretha II technical data

Name Aretha II
System Game Boy
Year 1991
Developer Japan Art Media
Genre RPG

Aretha II is a role-playing game developed and published by T&E Soft for the Nintendo Game Boy. It was released in Japan on April 25, 1992. The game is the sequel to Aretha: The Super Adventure, which was released for the Famicom Disk System in 1988.

Aretha II follows Aretha, a young girl who has been chosen by the gods to save her world from an evil force known as Dark Gaia. She must travel through various lands and dungeons, fighting monsters and collecting magical items to help her on her quest. Along the way she meets many allies who help her in her quest.

The game is divided into two parts: an overhead world map view where Aretha can explore different towns and dungeons, and a side-scrolling action view where she fights monsters and solves puzzles. In both views, players control Aretha with the directional pad and use either one of two buttons to attack or interact with objects.

In addition to its traditional RPG elements such as character leveling up, buying equipment, and using magic spells, Aretha II also features some unique gameplay elements that make it stand out from other RPGs of its time. One such element is the ability for players to combine items found in dungeons or bought at stores in order to create new powerful weapons or armor pieces which can be used against enemies or puzzles. Another element is the ability to recruit monsters found in dungeons as allies; these recruited monsters gain experience just like regular characters do when they defeat enemies or complete tasks.

The graphics of Aretha II are fairly basic but still quite colorful and detailed for its time; each dungeon has its own unique color palette that adds variety to the visuals of the game. The soundtrack also stands out due to its catchy melodies that perfectly fit each area’s theme; this makes exploring different areas more enjoyable than it would be without music playing in the background.

Overall, Aretha II is an excellent RPG experience that stands out amongst other games of its era due to its unique gameplay elements such as item combining and monster recruitment; these elements give players more control over their playstyle than what was seen before in RPGs at this time. The graphics may be dated but they still manage to capture a certain charm while the soundtrack does an excellent job of setting the mood during exploration segments. If you’re looking for an old school RPG experience on your Game Boy then look no further than Aretha II!

Game Boy RPG games