Play SD Gundam - Winner's History Online

SD Gundam - Winner's History technical data

Name SD Gundam - Winner's History
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Bandai
Genre Action

SD Gundam - Winner's History is a strategy game released in 1995 for the Sega Game Gear. It is based on the popular manga and anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam. The game follows the story of the original series with some variations, as players take control of a team of mobile suits to battle their way to victory. Players can choose from over 50 different mobile suits, each with its own unique abilities and weapons. The game also features a variety of terrain types including forests, deserts, mountains, seas and cities.

Players can customize their team by assigning pilots to each suit or by selecting certain upgrades for them. Players must also manage their resources such as money and supplies to ensure their success in battle. As they progress through the game they will be able to recruit new characters and upgrade their teams further. In addition, there are various side-quests that offer rewards such as extra money or upgrades for your team's mobile suits.

The main objective of SD Gundam - Winner's History is to become the ultimate champion of all the battles by defeating all opponents in each stage. Battles take place on an 8x8 grid-like map where players must use their mobile suits and strategic tactics to defeat enemy forces while protecting their own units from harm. During battles, players can use special moves such as beam attacks or physical attacks in order to gain an advantage over their opponents. After completing each stage successfully, players will receive rewards such as money that can be used to purchase upgrades or items for their teams' mobile suits.

SD Gundam - Winner's History has been praised for its detailed graphics and intense gameplay experience that stays true to the original manga and anime series it was based upon. The game also offers an enjoyable challenge for both newcomers and veterans alike with its various levels of difficulty settings available for selection before starting a battle sequence. With its varied cast of characters, colorful visuals and engaging combat system, SD Gundam - Winner's History remains a classic title amongst gamers today who continue to enjoy its challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience even after more than two decades since its release date back in 1995

Game Gear Action games