Play Royal Stone Online

Royal Stone technical data

Name Royal Stone
System Game Gear
Year 1995
Developer Sega
Genre RPG

Royal Stone is a turn-based strategy game released for the Sega Game Gear in 1994. Developed by Sega and Climax Entertainment, it was one of the last games released for the system before it was discontinued in 1997.

The game takes place in a fantasy world where four kingdoms are vying for control of their continent. The player controls an army of up to 15 units, each with its own unique abilities and weaknesses. The goal of the game is to conquer each kingdom by either defeating all the enemy forces or capturing the opposing king. As you progress through the game, your army will gain experience points that can be used to upgrade your units' stats and skills.

The battlefields are divided into grids, which require careful tactical decisions from the player in order to succeed. You can move your units around on the grid to position them strategically against enemy forces, as well as use special attacks when necessary. Additionally, some levels offer special objectives that must be completed in order to win. These objectives range from rescuing hostages to destroying specific targets within a limited amount of time.

The graphics in Royal Stone are colorful and detailed, with vibrant backgrounds and characters that animate fluidly during battle sequences. The music is also pleasant and fits well with the fantasy setting of the game. Additionally, there is an interesting storyline that unfolds as you play through each level, adding depth and complexity to the gameplay experience.

Overall, Royal Stone is an enjoyable turn-based strategy game that requires strategy and planning from its players in order to succeed. It's easy enough for anyone to pick up but offers enough challenge for those who want more than just mindless button mashing gameplay sessions. While it may not have aged as gracefully as some other titles on the Game Gear platform, it still remains a solid entry into Sega's library of classic titles.

Game Gear RPG games