Play Magical Taruruuto-kun Online

Magical Taruruuto-kun technical data

Name Magical Taruruuto-kun
System Game Gear
Year 1991
Developer Tsukuda Ideal
Genre Action

Magical Taruruuto-kun is a Sega Game Gear game released in 1992. The game follows the adventures of Taruruuto, a magical boy who wields a magical wand and uses it to battle monsters. The game consists of two parts: an overworld and side-scrolling levels. In the overworld, the player navigates Taruruuto through various locations, such as forests and fields. Along the way, they must battle monsters using Taruruuto’s wand, which can be upgraded with powerups found throughout the levels.

The side-scrolling levels are more action-oriented, with platforming elements and enemies that must be defeated by shooting them with Taruruuto’s wand or jumping on their heads. These levels often have hidden items or powerups that can help Taruruuto progress further into the game. At certain points in the game, Taruruuto will enter special bonus rounds where he must collect coins or other items to gain extra points.

The goal of Magical Taruruuto-kun is to reach the end of each level and defeat all of the enemies before time runs out. If successful, players will receive bonus points that can be used to purchase items from shops located in between levels. These items can help make later levels easier or give players an edge against bosses. Additionally, some levels contain special items that allow players to increase their score multiplier or restore health when needed.

Overall, Magical Taruruuto-kun is a charming and challenging platformer that offers plenty of fun for gamers of all ages. With its colorful graphics and catchy music, it’s easy to get lost in this classic Sega Game Gear title for hours on end!

Game Gear Action games