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Weapon Lord technical data

Name Weapon Lord
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Visual Concepts Entertainment
Genre Fighting

Weapon Lord is a 2D fighting game released for the Super Nintendo in 1995. Developed by Namco, it was one of the first fighting games to incorporate weapon-based combat into its gameplay. The game features 12 characters from different cultures and backgrounds, each equipped with their own unique weapons and fighting styles. Players must battle their way through a tournament to become the Weapon Lord.

The game starts off with an introduction sequence which explains the backstory of how the tournament came to be. It is revealed that long ago, a powerful weapon known as the “Kami” was created and used to bring peace throughout the world. However, over time its power became corrupted and it began to be used for destruction instead of peace. To prevent this from happening, a tournament was held every five years in which warriors would compete for control of the Kami. This tournament became known as “the Weapon Lord Tournament”.

The gameplay in Weapon Lord revolves around two main elements: hand-to-hand combat and weapon-based combat. Hand-to-hand combat involves using punches, kicks and throws to damage your opponent while weapon-based combat involves using weapons such as swords, spears and axes that can be picked up during battle or acquired by winning rounds against other opponents. Each character has their own set of special moves which can be used in combination with normal attacks to create powerful combos capable of doing huge amounts of damage to your opponent.

In addition to normal fights, there are also bonus stages where players can test their skills against various enemies or even bosses in order to increase their rank within the tournament hierarchy. Winning these bonus stages will reward players with various items such as health potions or armor upgrades which can help them survive later battles more easily.

Weapon Lord stands out from other fighting games due its unique combination of hand-to-hand and weapon based combat mechanics, along with its deep story line and multiple bonus stages that add further depth to the game’s overall experience. It remains popular among fans today thanks to its engaging gameplay and memorable characters that still hold up well after all these years despite its age.

Super Nintendo Fighting games