Play Metal Max Returns Online

Metal Max Returns technical data

Name Metal Max Returns
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Crea-Tech
Genre RPG

Metal Max Returns is a role-playing video game developed and published by Data East for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1995. The game is the fourth installment of the Metal Max series, following Metal Max 2. In this open-world RPG, players take on the role of a young hunter named Kanata, who is tasked with saving humanity from an alien race known as the Neros.

The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been reduced to small settlements scattered across the globe. Players must explore the overworld map and complete various missions to progress through the story. Combat occurs randomly while exploring and is turn-based, featuring mechs called “tanks” that can be customized with different parts, weapons, and upgrades to create powerful machines. Players will also encounter various non-playable characters who they can interact with to learn more about their world or obtain items or money.

Metal Max Returns features a variety of side activities as well, including fishing minigames and racing tournaments which allow players to earn rewards such as money and items. There are also multiple endings depending on how many missions are completed throughout the playthrough; completing all of them unlocks a special ending involving an epic battle against the leader of the Neros forces.

Overall, Metal Max Returns offers an engaging experience that combines elements from both traditional RPGs and open-world adventure games. Its unique combat system allows for plenty of customization options while its side activities provide some much needed breaks from all of the battling that takes place throughout its main questline. With its exciting story, varied mission objectives, and multiple endings, it’s no wonder why this classic SNES title continues to be beloved by gamers today.

Super Nintendo RPG games