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Bahamut Lagoon technical data

Name Bahamut Lagoon
System Super Nintendo
Year 1996
Developer Square Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

Bahamut Lagoon is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) tactical role-playing game developed and published by Square in 1996. It was one of the few games released on the SNES that was exclusive to Japan, making it a rare and sought after title. The game’s story follows a group of adventurers from the continent of Bafalem as they journey across the world in search of powerful dragons known as Bahamut.

The player takes on the role of Byuu, a young knight who, along with his allies, must battle against an evil empire known as Granseal. The goal of the game is to collect all eight Bahamut dragons and use their power to vanquish Granseal's forces. The gameplay involves taking control of characters and using them to battle enemies in turn-based grid-based combat. Players must strategically move their characters around on a grid while attacking or defending against enemy units. Characters can level up through gaining experience points in battle, allowing them to learn new abilities or spells that can be used in future battles.

In addition to combat, players are able to explore towns and dungeons throughout the world where they can purchase equipment or items that may aid them during their journey. There are also side quests available which add further depth to the game’s storyline as well as providing additional rewards for completing them.

The graphics for Bahamut Lagoon are highly detailed sprites with vibrant colors and beautiful backgrounds for each area explored during gameplay. The soundtrack is composed by Nobuo Uematsu who worked on many other titles from Square such as Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger among others. His work brings life to every area explored within Bahamut Lagoon adding an extra layer of immersion for players experiencing the game first hand.

Overall, Bahamut Lagoon is an incredibly unique turn-based tactical RPG experience that offers players plenty of strategic depth while exploring various locations throughout its world. The visuals and audio further add to this experience creating a truly memorable gaming experience that will surely be enjoyed by any fan of JRPGs looking for something different yet familiar at the same time.

Super Nintendo RPG games