Play Lethal Enforcers Online

Lethal Enforcers technical data

Name Lethal Enforcers
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Konami
Genre Shooter

Lethal Enforcers is a game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. It was developed and published by Konami, who were well known for their popular series such as Contra and Castlevania. The game itself is a light gun shooter, meaning that players use a gun-shaped controller to aim at targets on the screen and shoot them.

The story of Lethal Enforcers revolves around the player taking the role of a police officer who has been tasked with bringing down an evil criminal organization known as “The Syndicate”. Throughout the game, players will travel to different locations across America to take out members of The Syndicate and eventually defeat its leader. However, it isn’t just about shooting bad guys – players must also do their best to protect innocent bystanders from being harmed in the crossfire.

Gameplay wise, Lethal Enforcers is fairly straightforward; each stage has a set number of enemies that must be taken out before progressing onto the next one. Players can move their character around on screen using either the D-pad or analog stick on their controller; this allows them to dodge enemy fire or hide behind objects if necessary. There are also several power-ups available throughout each stage that can give players an edge over their opponents, such as health packs or extra ammunition.

Graphically speaking, Lethal Enforcers looks quite impressive for an SNES title; sprites are well detailed and backgrounds are full of color and life. The sound design is also quite good; gunfire echoes throughout each level and there’s even voice acting for some characters!

Overall, Lethal Enforcers is an excellent light gun shooter that provides plenty of action and excitement for gamers looking for something fast-paced and challenging. It’s great for those looking to get nostalgic with classic SNES titles or just have some fun shooting up some bad guys!

Super Nintendo Shooter games