Play Breath of Fire Online

Breath of Fire technical data

Name Breath of Fire
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Capcom Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

Breath of Fire is a classic Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) role-playing game that was released in 1993. It was developed by Capcom and published by them as well. The game follows the adventures of Ryu, a young man who can transform into a powerful dragon, and his sister Yua. Together they search for the mystical Dragon Clan to help them save their land from an evil empire.

The game has an interesting story line with plenty of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the end. You take control of Ryu and use him to explore the world, fight enemies, and complete quests for NPCs in order to progress through the game. Along your journey you will find allies who will join your party, each one with their own unique abilities that can be used in battle or for solving puzzles. You must also find items and weapons to help you in your quest, such as magical rods and swords that can be equipped on characters to increase their stats or give them special abilities. As you progress through the game you will gain experience points which allow you to level up your characters and learn new skills or spells.

Combat in Breath of Fire is turn-based with characters able to attack, use magic spells or special abilities, defend themselves against attacks or use items during their turn. Enemies have different weaknesses so it’s important to pay attention to what type of attack each enemy is weak against when deciding how best to approach a battle situation. The game also features random encounters which are triggered when walking around certain areas on the map; these battles can be avoided by running away but some enemies are too powerful for this option so it’s best to prepare yourself before entering any area where random encounters may occur.

Overall Breath of Fire is an enjoyable RPG experience that offers plenty of content with its large world map filled with dungeons, villages and towns; its vast array of items, weapons and armor; its compelling story line; and its deep combat system featuring lots of strategic options for players looking for something more than just button mashing when fighting enemies. If you’re looking for an old school RPG experience then Breath of Fire is definitely worth checking out!

Super Nintendo RPG games