Play Ogre Battle Online

Ogre Battle technical data

Name Ogre Battle
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Quest
Genre RPG

Ogre Battle is a tactical role-playing game released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993. Developed by Quest, it was one of the first strategy RPGs to be released in North America and has gone on to become a cult classic. The game takes place in the fictional world of Zenobia, where the player takes on the role of leader of a rebellion against an evil empire.

The player’s goal is to liberate each region of Zenobia from imperial rule by completing various objectives such as defeating enemy forces and rescuing key characters. To do this, they must assemble and command an army that consists of up to twelve squads made up of different types of units such as knights, archers, priests and thieves. Each unit can be customized by selecting from over 150 different weapons and items. The player must also manage their resources such as money and food, hire mercenaries for extra help, and recruit new units at towns throughout the game.

Battles are fought in a turn-based system where each unit takes its turn based on its speed statistic. Each unit can move around the battlefield and attack enemies with physical or magical attacks depending on what type of unit it is. During battle, bonus points can be earned by performing certain tasks such as defeating all enemies or completing specific objectives within a limited number of turns. These bonus points can then be used to purchase better equipment or upgrade existing units.

At different points during the campaign, the player will have to make decisions that will affect how their story plays out and which ending they receive. Depending on how these choices are made, they will either earn more bonus points or suffer penalties that could make their journey more difficult.

Ogre Battle is highly replayable thanks to its branching storylines and multiple endings as well as its deep strategic gameplay with endless customization options for your army composition. Its unique blend of RPG elements combined with tactical combat makes it an unforgettable classic that still holds up today.

Super Nintendo RPG games