Play Another World Online

Another World technical data

Name Another World
System Super Nintendo
Year 1992
Developer Interplay Productions
Genre Action

Another World is a critically acclaimed platformer video game originally released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. Developed by French developer Delphine Software International, the game follows protagonist Lester Knight Chaykin, an American physicist who is accidentally transported to a hostile alien world after conducting an experiment with his particle accelerator. The player must guide Lester through various levels and environments as he attempts to survive in this new world and find a way back home.

The game features a unique art style, with bright colors and detailed sprites. The visual presentation is complemented by an atmospheric soundtrack composed by Jean-François Freitas. The game also features several different types of puzzles and obstacles that the player must overcome in order to progress through the levels. These include avoiding enemies, solving puzzles, finding keys to open doors, and navigating dangerous terrain.

The gameplay of Another World focuses heavily on exploration and puzzle solving rather than combat or action sequences. There are no weapons or power ups available for use; instead the player must rely on their wits and quick reflexes to survive. As such, the difficulty curve increases steadily throughout the course of the game as more obstacles are introduced that require careful analysis before they can be overcome.

Despite its age, Another World still holds up remarkably well today due to its timeless visuals and challenging yet rewarding gameplay. It remains one of the most influential platformers ever made and has spawned numerous sequels as well as remakes for modern consoles like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS and Android devices. Its legacy continues to live on today as it stands out as one of the best games ever made for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

Super Nintendo Action games