Play Predator - Schwarzenegger - Soon the Hunt Will Begin Online

Predator - Schwarzenegger - Soon the Hunt Will Begin technical data

Name Predator - Schwarzenegger - Soon the Hunt Will Begin
System NES
Year 1989
Developer Pack-In-Video
Genre Fighting

The classic film Predator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is one of the most iconic action movies of all time.

The film follows a team of elite special forces soldiers as they try to survive an alien hunter in the jungles of Central America.

The film spawned several sequels and spin-off media, including video games.

One of the earliest and most notable examples was "Predator" for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Released in 1987, it was a side scrolling action game that let players take control of Dutch, the leader of Schwarzenegger's commando squad, as he battled his way through levels filled with aliens and their traps.

The game begins with Dutch being dropped into a jungle area on an unknown planet.

He is sent there to locate and rescue hostages from an alien race known as the Predators.

As Dutch progresses through each stage, he must use his wits and weapons to defeat enemies such as flying drones, giant spiders, and even other Predators.

Each stage culminates in a boss battle against a larger Predator creature.

Along the way he can pick up power-ups such as extra lives or energy replenishing health packs that will help him survive his mission.

The graphics in Predator are quite impressive for its time period; detailed sprites animate smoothly on screen as Dutch fights off enemies while various backgrounds featuring lush vegetation provide an immersive atmosphere for players to explore.

The soundtrack is also quite good with some memorable tunes that add to the tension during battles with enemies or bosses.

The gameplay in Predator is fairly straightforward but still enjoyable; players simply move left or right across each level while shooting any enemy they encounter and avoiding obstacles along the way.

At certain points throughout each stage there are doors which lead to bonus levels where Dutch can collect extra points or items such as power-ups before returning back to regular gameplay again.

Overall “Predator” for NES was an excellent game that provided hours of entertainment for fans of both the movie and video games alike at its release date back in 1987.

It featured great graphics and sound along with enjoyable gameplay that made it stand out from other titles released for the console at that time period.

To this day it remains a classic title worth revisiting if you have not done so already; soon enough you too will be joining Arnold Schwarzenegger's character on his hunt!

NES Fighting games