Play Operation Secret Storm Online

Operation Secret Storm technical data

Name Operation Secret Storm
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Color Dreams
Genre Fighting

Operation Secret Storm was a classic game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992.

Developed by Konami, it was one of the first games to be released on the NES that featured realistic military combat.

The game puts players in command of an elite squad of special forces soldiers who must battle their way through enemy-infested levels and complete various objectives in order to reach their ultimate goal.

The story behind Operation Secret Storm is set during World War II and follows the exploits of a group of Allied forces as they fight against a mysterious enemy known only as “The Organization”.

Players take on the role of a commanding officer who must lead his troops through treacherous terrain and fierce battles to complete their mission.

Along the way, they will encounter a variety of enemies such as tanks, planes, and infantry units, all attempting to stop them from achieving their objective.

In addition to battling these foes, players must also find hidden items throughout each level that can be used to aid them in their mission.

Gameplay wise, Operation Secret Storm resembles many other side-scrolling shooters from the era such as Contra or Metal Slug.

Players control a single character while navigating through each level's obstacles and enemies.

As they progress, they are able to pick up weapons such as machine guns and grenades which can be used against enemy forces.

In addition to this weaponry, players are also able to call upon air strikes which can help clear out large groups of enemies or provide cover fire when needed.

One of Operation Secret Storm’s most interesting features is its use of real-time strategy elements such as resource management and troop deployment.

Players are given limited resources at the beginning of each mission and must make strategic decisions about how best to use them in order to successfully complete their objectives.

They are also able to deploy troops around the map where they can then be ordered into action against enemy forces or given specific tasks such as building bridges or capturing key locations.

Overall, Operation Secret Storm was an ambitious title for its time that managed to blend together multiple genres into one cohesive package.

Its combination of side-scrolling shooting action with strategic elements helped it stand out from other titles on the NES while its story provided an exciting backdrop for players’ adventures across Europe during World War II.

While not perfect by today’s standards, it remains an enjoyable experience for those looking for a bit more strategy in their shooters than what was available back in 1992

NES Fighting games