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Kid Dracula technical data

Name Kid Dracula
System NES
Year 1993
Developer Konami
Genre Action

Kid Dracula is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game that was released in 1993.

The game was developed by Konami and is based on the popular Castlevania series of games.

The game follows the adventures of an 8-year old vampire, Kid Dracula, as he battles his way through hordes of monsters in order to save Transylvania from the evil Count Dracula.

The game starts off with Kid Dracula being summoned by his grandfather, Count Dracula, who has grown tired of dealing with all the pesky humans invading his castle and wants Kid Dracula to take care of them once and for all.

As soon as Kid Dracula arrives at the castle, he is given magical powers and set off on his adventure.

Throughout the course of the game, players must battle their way through five stages filled with various enemies such as bats, zombies, mummies and skeletons.

In addition to these standard enemies, there are also boss battles which add an extra level of challenge.

Each stage has its own unique design which adds variety to the gameplay experience.

In addition to battling enemies, players can also collect power-ups scattered throughout each stage such as health potions or special weapons like fireballs and lightning bolts that can be used against foes.

There are also hidden items that can be found which will give players an advantage in certain situations such as a clock that stops time or a shield that protects them from enemy attacks.

The goal of each stage is to reach the end while defeating all enemies along the way.

Once players have reached this point they will face off against a powerful boss character before moving onto the next stage.

Upon defeating all five stages players will then have to battle Count Dracula himself in order to save Transylvania! Overall, Kid Dracula is one of those classic NES games that still holds up today due to its simple but effective gameplay mechanics and colorful visuals.

The variety provided by different stages and bosses keeps things interesting throughout while its challenging difficulty ensures it remains enjoyable even after multiple playthroughs.

It's definitely worth checking out if you're looking for some nostalgic gaming fun!

NES Action games