Play Kickle Cubicle Online

Kickle Cubicle technical data

Name Kickle Cubicle
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Irem
Genre Puzzle

Kickle Cubicle is a classic puzzle game developed and published by Irem in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game was released in North America as "Mendel Palace" and in Japan as "Meikyuu Kumikyoku: Milon no Daibouken". It was one of the first games released for the NES, and has become a cult classic among fans.

The game follows the adventures of Kickle, a small green creature with magical powers. He lives in the Kingdom of Dreamland, which is ruled by King Fubar. One day, while out exploring, Kickle discovers that King Fubar has been kidnapped by an evil wizard named Milon. In order to save him, Kickle must traverse through nine different levels filled with puzzles and enemies. As he progresses through each level, he will collect items that will help him solve puzzles and defeat enemies.

The gameplay consists of guiding Kickle around a board-like environment filled with blocks and other obstacles. The goal is to reach the end of each level without being killed or losing all of his lives. The player can use Kickle’s ice breath attack to freeze enemies, allowing them to be pushed around or destroyed. Additionally, Kickle can pick up special items such as keys that open doors or power-ups that enhance his abilities.

Kickle Cubicle’s levels are filled with unique puzzles that require thought and strategy to complete. Some puzzles involve pushing blocks around to form bridges across gaps or unlocking hidden doors with keys. Others require timing and careful movement to avoid traps or enemies while collecting items scattered throughout the level.

Kickle Cubicle offers two different difficulty modes: normal mode and expert mode. Normal mode is relatively easy compared to expert mode, which features more difficult puzzles and enemies than normal mode does. Additionally, expert mode also offers two bonus levels at the end of each level where players can earn additional points if they complete them quickly enough.

Kickle Cubicle’s visuals are simple yet colorful 8-bit graphics reminiscent of early console games from the 1980s era. The soundtrack consists mainly of upbeat tunes composed by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki which adds an extra layer of charm to the game experience.

Overall, Kickle Cubicle is an enjoyable classic puzzle game suitable for players of all ages who want a challenge but don’t want something too difficult or frustratingly hard like some modern titles can be at times. With its charming visuals, catchy soundtrack and interesting puzzles it’s easy to see why this game remains popular among old school gamers even today after over three decades since its initial release on the NES console system back in 1988.

NES Puzzle games