Play Karate Kid, The Online

Karate Kid, The technical data

Name Karate Kid, The
System NES
Year 1987
Developer LJN, Ltd.
Genre Fighting

The Karate Kid, The nintendo nes game is a classic action-adventure title that was released in 1989. It is based on the 1984 film of the same name and follows the story of Daniel Larusso, a teenage boy who learns karate from Mr. Miyagi to fight bullies at his new school.

The game is set in California and features seven levels in which Daniel must progress through by fighting enemies and solving puzzles. The first level has Daniel defeating bullies at school, while the second level has him competing in an All Valley Karate Championship tournament. Each level also contains hidden items that can be found to increase his power or help him progress further into the game.

The gameplay consists of two types of controls: a joystick for movement and buttons for attacking and defending. The player must use these controls to defeat enemies by executing various martial arts moves such as punches, kicks, blocks, throws and other special techniques. As Daniel progresses through each level he gains experience points which allow him to upgrade his abilities and learn new moves.

The graphics are fairly basic but still impressive for its time with vibrant colors and detailed backgrounds depicting locations from the movie such as Mr. Miyagi’s house or the All Valley Karate tournament arena. The music is also quite memorable with some catchy tunes playing during fights or when exploring different areas of the game world.

Overall, The Karate Kid is an enjoyable action-adventure title with simple yet fun gameplay elements that make it easy to pick up and play without too much difficulty. It’s also perfect for fans of the movie as it captures many of its iconic moments including a fight against Johnny Lawrence at the All Valley Karate Tournament finale. With its charming visuals, catchy music and enjoyable gameplay mechanics it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for a classic 8-bit adventure title!

NES Fighting games