Play Journey to Silius Online

Journey to Silius technical data

Name Journey to Silius
System NES
Year 1990
Developer SunSoft, Ltd.
Genre Action

Journey to Silius is a side-scrolling action-platformer released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1990. Developed by Sunsoft, the game follows Jay McCray, a young man who sets out on an adventure to avenge his father’s death. The story is set in the future, where Earth has been invaded by aliens and humanity is struggling to survive. In order to protect his family, Jay’s father had developed an energy weapon known as the “Silius Weapon” and was killed during an attack by the aliens before he could finish it. Now, Jay must find his way through various levels of enemies and obstacles in order to retrieve all of the components needed to complete the Silius Weapon and take revenge on those who killed his father.

Gameplay consists of navigating through each level while shooting or avoiding enemies with weapons such as laser guns, flamethrowers, and missiles. Players can also upgrade their weapons with power-ups found throughout each level. There are seven stages in total, each featuring unique enemies and hazards that must be overcome before progressing further. Some levels also feature puzzles that must be solved in order to progress. Once all seven stages have been completed, players will face off against the final boss in a battle for survival.

The graphics of Journey to Silius are bright and detailed for its time period. The game features large sprites for both characters and enemies alike as well as colorful backgrounds that give each stage a unique look and feel. The music is composed by Naoki Kodaka and adds tension and atmosphere to every level you traverse - from intense gunfights with multiple enemies to quieter exploration sections filled with secrets waiting to be discovered.

Overall, Journey To Silius is an enjoyable classic title that still holds up today thanks to its tight controls, varied gameplay elements, great visuals, and memorable soundtrack. While it may not be as well known or remembered as some of its contemporaries such as Mega Man or Castlevania, it remains a solid entry into the action-platformer genre for fans of classic gaming titles.

NES Action games