Play Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Online

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom technical data

Name Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
System NES
Year 1988
Developer Atari
Genre Action

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a classic action-adventure video game released by Lucasfilm Games in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It is based on the 1984 movie of the same name, which was directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. The game follows Indiana as he searches for an ancient Hindu artifact known as the Sankara Stone. Along the way, he must battle various enemies such as Thuggee warriors and Kali worshippers.

The game consists of nine levels set in various locations such as India, a castle, a mine, and an underground temple. Throughout each level, players must collect treasures while avoiding traps and enemies. At the end of each level there is usually a boss that must be defeated before progressing to the next level. In addition to collecting items, players can also use weapons such as a whip or gun to fight their opponents.

The graphics in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom are quite basic but still manage to capture the atmosphere of the movie quite effectively. The sound effects are simple but effective and add an extra layer of atmosphere to the game. The controls are fairly straightforward and make it easy for even novice gamers to pick up quickly.

The difficulty curve in this game starts off quite steep but gradually becomes easier as players progress through each level. For those who find themselves stuck at particular points in the game there is also a password system that allows them to return later on with all their items intact. This makes it much easier to finish off some of the tougher levels without having to start from scratch every time you die or get stuck in a difficult section.

Overall, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is one of those classic NES games that has stood up well over time due its fun gameplay and timeless setting. While it may not be as polished or graphically impressive as some modern games, it still manages to capture that classic feel that so many gamers remember fondly from their childhoods.

NES Action games