Play Titus the Fox Online

Titus the Fox technical data

Name Titus the Fox
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Titus Software
Genre Action

Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back is a platform game developed by Titus Interactive and released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 2001. The game stars the titular fox, Titus, as he embarks on an adventure to rescue his best friend, Moktar, from the clutches of the evil Tapioca. Along the way, Titus must explore exotic locations such as Marrakech, Las Vegas, and Antarctica while using his wits and various power-ups to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles.

The game begins with a brief introduction that sets up the premise of Titus’ quest. After being separated from his friend Moktar in Marrakech, Titus must traverse several different locations in order to track him down. As he moves through each level, Titus will find collectible items such as coins and power-ups that can help him progress further into the game. He will also encounter a variety of enemies that must be defeated in order to progress. These enemies range from dangerous animals to robots and aliens.

The gameplay of Titus the Fox is relatively straightforward but also challenging at times due to its various obstacles and enemies. Players control Titus with either direction buttons or a D-pad depending on their preference. The A button allows players to jump while pressing B causes Titus to perform a spin attack which can be used against enemies or solve certain puzzles. In addition, special power-ups such as invincibility stars or speed boosts can be found throughout each level which make it easier for players to complete their objectives.

One unique aspect of this Game Boy Color title is its vibrant art style which stands out amongst other games on the system. Each level has its own distinct look accompanied by bright colors that bring life to all of its characters and locations. Furthermore, catchy music plays in each stage adding an extra layer of charm to this classic platformer.

Overall, Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back is an enjoyable experience for those looking for some classic Game Boy Color action with colorful visuals and great music accompanying it throughout its levels. The controls are simple enough for anyone who has never played a platformer before while still offering enough challenge for experienced gamers alike

Game Boy Color Action games