Play Buffy the Vampire Slayer Online

Buffy the Vampire Slayer technical data

Name Buffy the Vampire Slayer
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer GameBrains
Genre Fighting

Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an action-packed, vampire-slaying adventure based on the popular television series of the same name.

Developed by WayForward Technologies and published by THQ, this portable version of Buffy puts you in control of a slayer and her friends as they battle vampires and other supernatural forces in Sunnydale.

The game follows the adventures of Buffy Summers, a high school student who has been chosen to protect her hometown from vampires and other monsters.

You'll join Buffy and her friends Willow, Xander, Giles, and Cordelia as they fight against the forces of evil.

As you progress through the game's levels, you'll need to use your slayer skills to defeat vampires, demons, and other supernatural creatures.

Along the way you'll collect weapons like stakes and crucifixes that will help you in your quest to rid Sunnydale of its monstrous inhabitants.

The game features six levels filled with enemies that must be defeated before progressing.

As each level progresses, players will be able to upgrade their weapons with items such as holy water or garlic bombs which can be used to make quick work out of any vampire lurking around Sunnydale.

Additionally, players can also collect power-ups that will provide them with temporary invincibility or health boosts which are useful when facing off against tougher enemies.

In addition to fighting off monsters with your weapons, you'll also need to solve puzzles in order to progress through each level.

These puzzles range from using items strategically placed throughout each level or finding secret passageways hidden behind walls or objects.

Solving these puzzles will allow players access to new areas where more powerful weapons can be found as well as boss battles against some of the most powerful monsters in Sunnydale such as The Master or The Judge.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an action-packed adventure that fans of the show are sure to enjoy! With its challenging puzzles and intense battles against evil forces, this portable version of Buffy provides hours of entertainment for those looking for an engaging experience on their handheld device.

Whether it’s solving puzzles or defeating monsters with your stake or crossbow, Buffy offers hours upon hours of excitement!

Game Boy Color Fighting games