Play Army Men 2 Online

Army Men 2 technical data

Name Army Men 2
System Game Boy Color
Year 1999
Developer Digital Eclipse Software
Genre Strategy

Army Men 2 for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an action-packed and exciting game that puts the player in control of a small army of toy soldiers. The game was released in 2000 and was developed by 3DO, the same company that created the original Army Men series.

The game takes place in a world inhabited by plastic army men. The player takes on the role of a Green Army leader, tasked with leading his troops to victory against the sinister Tan forces. Along the way, he must also battle against other enemies such as tanks, helicopters, and even giant spiders.

The main objective of Army Men 2 is to complete each mission in order to progress through the game. These missions involve rescuing hostages, destroying enemy bases, and completing objectives such as collecting items or destroying targets. The player can choose from several types of weapons including machine guns, bazookas, grenades, and flame throwers. Additionally, they can also use special power-ups such as health packs and armor upgrades.

Army Men 2 features two modes of play: Campaign Mode and Skirmish Mode. In Campaign Mode, players are taken through a series of missions which must be completed in order to progress through the story line. Skirmish Mode allows them to play randomly generated battles against computer-controlled opponents or friends via link cable connection.

The graphics for Army Men 2 are top notch for a Game Boy Color title with colorful environments that look like miniature battlefields populated with detailed sprites depicting characters and vehicles alike. The sound effects are also quite good with realistic explosions and gunfire accompanying each battle scene. Additionally, there are some nice touches such as being able to hear your troops shouting commands as they move around the battlefields helping to create an immersive atmosphere throughout the game’s many levels.

Overall Army Men 2 is a great action-packed shooter for those who enjoy tactical warfare games on their Game Boy Color console. With its fun gameplay mechanics and engaging storyline it is sure to provide hours of entertainment for any fan of strategy games or military simulations alike!

Game Boy Color Strategy games