Play Gauntlet & Rampart Online

Gauntlet & Rampart technical data

Name Gauntlet & Rampart
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2005
Developer EC Interactive
Genre Action

Gauntlet & Rampart are two classic arcade games that have been adapted for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Both games were originally released by Atari in 1985 and have since become cult classics. Gauntlet and Rampart are both top-down, dungeon-crawling games that feature a variety of enemies, items, and levels. The main objective of both games is to defeat all enemies and progress through the levels until you reach the end of the game.

In Gauntlet, you take control of one of four heroes: Thor (the Warrior), Merlin (the Wizard), Thyra (the Valkyrie) or Questor (the Elf). Each character has their own set of skills and abilities which you will need to use in order to complete the game. You will also need to collect items such as keys, potions and food in order to survive and progress through the levels. As well as fighting monsters, you will also need to solve puzzles in order to progress further into the game.

In Rampart, you take control of a castle with a limited number of walls. Your aim is to build up your defenses while simultaneously attacking your opponents’ castles with cannon fire or by sending troops across bridges which connect your castle with theirs. You must protect your castle from attack while attempting to destroy all your opponents’ castles before they can do so themselves. The game features several different types of cannons including ballistas, catapults and trebuchets which can be used against your opponents’ castles as well as several different types of troops that can be sent across bridges including infantry, archers and cavalry units.

Both Gauntlet and Rampart feature simple yet addictive gameplay that still stands up today despite their age. While Gauntlet was designed for single-player action, Rampart allows for two players on either the same Game Boy Advance system or via link cable connection between two systems. This makes it an ideal choice for those who want some multiplayer action on their handheld gaming system. Both games feature colorful graphics along with catchy soundtracks which help bring these classic titles back to life on the Game Boy Advance system. Whether you’re looking for some single player or multiplayer action on your handheld console these are two great titles from a classic era in gaming history that should not be overlooked by any fan of retro gaming!

Game Boy Advance Action games