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Stargate technical data

Name Stargate
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Probe
Genre Action

Stargate is a video game released in 1994 for the Sega Game Gear. It is based on the original arcade game of the same name, which was developed by Williams Electronics and released in 1981. The Sega Game Gear version of Stargate was developed by Probe Software and published by Acclaim Entertainment.

The objective of Stargate is to survive waves of enemies while navigating through a variety of mazes. The player controls a ship that can move in four directions (up, down, left, right) and fire shots at enemies. At the beginning of each wave, the player must destroy a series of barriers before being able to progress further into the maze. As the player progresses through the maze, more barriers will appear as well as new enemies with different patterns and abilities such as shooting bullets or teleporting around the screen. Upon reaching the end of each wave, an alien mothership appears that must be destroyed before moving onto the next wave.

The gameplay of Stargate consists mostly of shooting enemies while avoiding their shots and navigating through mazes. There are also several power-ups that can be collected throughout each wave that give benefits such as extra lives or increased firepower. Additionally, there are bonus stages between some waves where players can earn points by shooting targets or destroying asteroids.

The graphics in Stargate are fairly simple but still quite effective considering it is an 8-bit system game. The enemy sprites have enough detail to make them distinct from one another and they animate smoothly when moving or firing shots at the player's ship. The backgrounds are mainly black with various colored walls making up each maze which gives off a nice contrast against everything else onscreen.

Overall, Stargate for Sega Game Gear is an enjoyable shoot 'em up experience that has held up well over time due to its simple yet addictive gameplay mechanics and solid presentation. Fans of classic arcade shooters should definitely check out this version if they haven't already done so.

Game Gear Action games