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Psychic World technical data

Name Psychic World
System Game Gear
Year 1991
Developer Hertz
Genre Action

Psychic World is a Sega Game Gear game released in 1992. It was developed by Compile and published by Sega. The game is a platformer/puzzle game that focuses on using psychic powers to solve puzzles and progress through the levels.

The player takes control of a young boy named Jiro, who has been sent to the world of Psychic World to save it from destruction. He must use his psychic powers to traverse the various landscapes and find the four elemental spirits that are required to restore peace to Psychic World. As he progresses, Jiro will come across various enemies and obstacles that he must defeat or overcome using his psychic abilities such as telekinesis, pyrokinesis, levitation, and teleportation.

The gameplay is divided into six levels which are split into two parts: an action stage where Jiro must defeat enemies or reach certain objectives; and a puzzle stage where he must use his psychic powers to solve puzzles in order to progress further in the level. Each level also contains secret items and power-ups which can be used by Jiro to increase his strength or help him progress further in the game.

The graphics for Psychic World are colorful and detailed, with each level having its own unique feel and atmosphere. The music is also well composed with catchy tunes that fit perfectly with the action-packed gameplay.

Overall, Psychic World is an enjoyable platformer/puzzle game that provides plenty of challenge for players of all skill levels. The bright visuals, catchy soundtrack, varied level design, and fun puzzles make it an entertaining experience for those looking for something different than just another run-of-the-mill platformer.

Game Gear Action games