Play Phantom 2040 Online

Phantom 2040 technical data

Name Phantom 2040
System Game Gear
Year 1995
Developer Viacom New Media
Genre Action

Phantom 2040 is a Sega Game Gear video game released in 1994. It was developed by Viacom New Media and published by Sega. The game is based on the animated television series of the same name, which aired from 1994 to 1996.

The story of Phantom 2040 follows the adventures of Kit Walker, the 21st generation of the Phantom, a vigilante superhero who operates out of Metropia, a vast megacity built atop what was once known as Manhattan. As Kit Walker, players must battle against an array of enemies in order to protect Metropia from various threats. The game features side-scrolling action and platforming elements as well as puzzle solving sections.

Players control Kit using either the directional pad or the face buttons to move around levels and interact with objects and enemies. The A button is used to jump while the B button is used to attack enemies with either punches or kicks depending on how close they are to Kit. Special weapons can also be picked up throughout levels which can be used for more powerful attacks. Players will also need to use various items such as keys or switches in order to progress through levels or open up secret areas within them.

The graphics for Phantom 2040 are fairly basic but still manage to capture the aesthetic of its television counterpart quite well. The soundtrack consists mostly of midi versions of music from the show which adds a nice touch to the overall presentation.

Overall, Phantom 2040 is an enjoyable action-platformer that captures much of what made its source material so popular among fans at the time. Despite its simplistic visuals and sound design, it’s still an entertaining experience that should appeal to fans of classic 16-bit games as well as those who enjoyed watching (or playing) its animated predecessor at home on their televisions back in 1994-1996.

Game Gear Action games