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Super Mario All-Stars & Super Mario World technical data

Name Super Mario All-Stars & Super Mario World
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Nintendo
Genre Action

Super Mario All-Stars & Super Mario World is a classic collection of Nintendo games originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. This compilation was comprised of four different titles, including Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros. 3, all of which were re-released with enhanced graphics and sound, as well as the addition of a special save feature that allowed players to save their progress in each game. In addition to these four titles, the compilation also included an all-new title, Super Mario World.

Super Mario Bros., which was originally released for the NES back in 1985 and is one of the most iconic video games ever created, was re-released with enhanced graphics and sound effects for this compilation. The game still features its original side-scrolling platformer gameplay where players take control of Mario as they traverse through various levels while avoiding enemies and obstacles in order to reach the end of each stage. Along the way they can collect coins to earn extra lives as well as power-ups such as mushrooms that make them temporarily invulnerable or stars that give them temporary invincibility.

The second title included in this compilation is Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, which was originally released only in Japan back in 1986 and is considered by many to be one of the hardest games ever made due to its extreme difficulty level. This version includes some minor graphical enhancements but maintains its original hardcore challenge where players must navigate through eight worlds filled with tricky platforming sections and difficult enemies.

The third title featured in this compilation is Super Mario Bros. 2 which was initially released for the NES back in 1988 and features a unique gameplay style where players take control of either Luigi, Toad or Princess Peach instead of just controlling Mario like in previous titles. Instead of navigating through traditional side-scrolling levels like before, players must now explore large overworlds from an overhead perspective while using unique abilities such as Luigi’s high jump or Toad’s digging ability to progress through each level.

Finally, this compilation also includes a re-release of Super Mario Bros 3 which was originally released for the NES back in 1990 and is often regarded by many gamers as one of the greatest video games ever made due to its varied level design and creative power ups such as raccoon tails that allow players to fly around stages with ease or frog suits that let them swim underwater without losing any momentum. This version includes some minor graphical enhancements but otherwise remains true to its original form with tight controls and challenging stages full of secrets waiting to be discovered by intrepid adventurers willing enough brave Bowser’s castle at the end of each world.

In addition to these four classic titles this compilation also includes an all new game called “Super Mario World” which takes place on an island called Dinosaur Land where our hero must search for Yoshi eggs while saving his friends from Bowser’s minions along the way. This version introduces several new elements never before seen in any other game such as a map system that shows players their current location on screen at all times while allowing them access secret areas hidden throughout each level via shortcuts unlocked by collecting special items scattered around Dinosaur Land itself. Players can also now ride on Yoshi’s back while finding alternate routes leading up into hidden areas throughout stages filled with coins and other useful items waiting to be collected by adventurous explorers willing enough brave whatever danger lies ahead!

Overall, Super Mario All Stars & Super Mario World represents an incredible collection showcasing some truly timeless classics along with a brand new adventure sure to please both newcomers and veterans alike thanks to its varied content offering something enjoyable for everyone regardless age or skill level!

Super Nintendo Action games