Play Secret of Mana Online

Secret of Mana technical data

Name Secret of Mana
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Square Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

Secret of Mana is a classic action role-playing game originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. Developed by Square (now Square Enix), Secret of Mana was the second title in the Mana series, following its predecessor, Final Fantasy Adventure. The game follows three protagonists as they journey across a fantasy world to reclaim the power of Mana and save their world from destruction.

Players take control of one of the three main characters: Randi, Primm, or Popoi. Together, they must battle monsters and explore dungeons to recover the eight elemental mana swords scattered across the land. Along their journey, they’ll also meet allies who will join them and help them on their quest.

The gameplay of Secret of Mana is similar to other action role-playing games such as The Legend of Zelda series; players explore dungeons and towns while fighting monsters and completing side quests. Combat is real-time with an overhead perspective; players can attack enemies with physical weapons such as swords or cast magical spells to defeat foes. Players also have access to special abilities called “Ring Commands” which allow them to use items or cast spells without having to pause the game.

Secret of Mana features a unique cooperative multiplayer mode where up to three players can play together simultaneously using either the SNES multitap or a single controller that allows each player to control one character at a time. This was an innovative feature at the time and made Secret of Mana stand out from other RPGs on the market.

The story in Secret of Mana revolves around Randi, Primm, and Popoi as they attempt to restore peace back into their world by collecting all eight mana swords before an evil being can use them for his own nefarious purposes. As players progress through the game, they will encounter various characters who will provide assistance; some will join your party while others will offer helpful advice or even items that can be used during your quest.

Secret of Mana has been praised for its colorful visuals, engaging soundtrack, innovative combat system, and engaging story which combine to make it one of the best RPGs ever released on the SNES platform. It remains a beloved classic today among RPG fans and continues to be enjoyed by new generations thanks to modern re-releases on platforms such as Steam and Nintendo Switch Online service.

Super Nintendo RPG games