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Love Quest technical data

Name Love Quest
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Tokuma Shoten
Genre RPG

Love Quest is a Super Nintendo game released in 1993 by Japanese developer and publisher, Enix. The game follows the story of a young man named Wataru who embarks on a quest to find true love.

The player takes control of Wataru as he travels through various towns and villages, interacting with characters and completing tasks that will help him get closer to his goal. Along the way, he will also have to fight off monsters and other foes using weapons found throughout the world. As Wataru progresses through the game, he will gain experience points which can be used to upgrade his stats, such as attack power or speed.

The main objective of Love Quest is for Wataru to win the heart of one of four possible love interests: Maiko, a beautiful dancer; Aya, an adventurous tomboy; Yuki, a gentle nun; and Kiyo, an aloof samurai. To do this, the player must complete various tasks in each town and village that will increase their affection level with each girl. These tasks range from collecting items for them to helping out locals with their problems. As Wataru’s affection level increases with each girl, she will eventually invite him on a date where they can spend time together in-game. If successful in winning over one of the girls’ hearts at this point, Wataru will be able to marry her at the end of the game.

In addition to its dating sim elements, Love Quest also features dungeon-crawling gameplay similar to classic role-playing games like Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy. Players can explore randomly generated dungeons filled with monsters and treasures while fighting off enemies using weapons they have acquired during their journey.

Overall, Love Quest is an enjoyable Super Nintendo title that combines elements of both dating sims and traditional RPGs into one unique package. With its charming characters and engaging storyline, it remains a classic title well worth checking out even today.

Super Nintendo RPG games