Play Jurassic Park Online

Jurassic Park technical data

Name Jurassic Park
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Ocean Software Ltd.
Genre Shooter

Jurassic Park is a classic Super Nintendo game released in 1993. It is based on the movie of the same name, where a mad scientist creates a theme park full of dinosaurs. The game follows the same premise, with players taking control of Dr. Alan Grant as he explores Jurassic Park and battles his way through hordes of dinosaurs in order to escape.

The game is an action-adventure side-scroller, with players exploring each level while avoiding or battling enemies along the way. The levels are set on Isla Nublar, the island where Jurassic Park is located in the movie. Players must navigate their way around obstacles and enemies as they search for clues that will help them progress further into the game.

Players have access to several weapons throughout the game, such as a tranquilizer gun and grenades, which can be used to take out enemies or destroy obstacles in their path. They also have access to items such as health packs and ammo that can be picked up along the way.

The game features some unique elements that set it apart from other games of its time. For example, certain sections require players to use stealth in order to avoid detection by patrolling dinosaurs or enemy guards. Additionally, some puzzles must be solved in order to progress further into the game.

Overall, Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo is an enjoyable adventure game with plenty of action and exploration elements for players to enjoy. Its colorful graphics and intense gameplay make it a timeless classic that still captivates gamers today!

Super Nintendo Shooter games